Remote Learning: Beyond Triage Mode and into the Future
Now that so many are in self-isolation, online teaching / remote learning has suddenly become a hot topic. I’d like to share my experience of where we’ve come from, where we are...
Now that so many are in self-isolation, online teaching / remote learning has suddenly become a hot topic. I’d like to share my experience of where we’ve come from, where we are...
The COVID-19 crisis has created new challenges for students as they transition to learning outside of the classroom. And while we have yet to see great increases in dropout rates or lower attainment, we know...
According to research, nearly 70% of college success can’t be predicted by academic variables. There are many other factors at play.For example, we know that things like family income, academic self-efficacy, strong...
Have you ever watched a commercial for an Apple product?
Maybe you’ve noticed that they never talk about the bits and bytes underlying their technology. They don’t even talk...
Agility. It rhymes with stability. And, according to a new report from McKinsey, it is quickly becoming the optimal organizational paradigm for the digital revolution.
You know the old saying: “more isn’t always better”? That was exactly what we thought as we read last week’s TechCrunch article on LinkedIn Learning. According to TechCrunch, LinkedIn Learning, the subscription based MOOC that...
A greater percentage of U.S. high school graduates are not ready for college level work. A new report from the ACT – the organization that provides the eponymous U.S. college admissions test– demonstrates...
Remember the old saying: “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”? The same is true in learning,...
You might be a procrastinator if…
…you’ve ever spent Christmas Eve in a Walmart.
…your personal mantra is, “mañana”
…you’re procrastinating right now by reading this article.
Roughly 15% of all...