How to Deliver Modernized Training
Your people want to learn.
And it turns out that when organizations deliver training in a modern way – with new techniques, science based principles and cutting-edge technology – training that used to be met with groans and yawns is more often viewed with enthusiasm (and even mild appreciation).
The case for modernizing training
According to a recent LinkedIn report, the most common method for training is still the traditional in-person, classroom model. While in-person training has its place, research has shown that in many cases it’s an ineffective model for learning. Perhaps just as importantly, it’s out of sync with how employees want to engage with training. According to LinkedIn:
- 58% of learners prefer to learn at their own pace
- 49% of employees prefer to learn at the point of need(aka: on demand)
- 42% of employees want to be able to access L&D materials from their office desk
What qualifies as modernized training?
Google “modernize training” and you’ll find a lot of different interpretations of what “modern” means. For example, some consider training “modern” simply if it’s available digitally, while others consider it “modern” if it’s interactive, dynamic or incorporates new media.
Our definition goes a bit deeper. We define “modernized training” as training that incorporates:
- Techniques derived from cognitive research into how humans learn and recall information
- Proven practices from andragogy, and
- Cutting-edge technology that delivers on the promise of digitalized, personalized learning
In our practice, we’ve found that combining these components makes for a “modernized” approach that significantly improves learner engagement and training outcomes. Learn more about these outcomes here.
Criteria for evaluating modernized training
Once you understand what makes up a modernized training approach, you can begin to measure providers, methodologies and delivery methods against this definition. Here are three questions to determine whether your current training and/or potential training partners are truly “modernized”:
Technological Sophistication – Are cutting edge technologies being applied to make the learning more efficient and effective? Are these technologies simplistic (e.g. mobile accessibility) or more advanced (AI-based adaptive platforms)?
Predictive Analytics – How is the training evaluated? Are there predictive analytics at work to identify struggling learners, systemic issues and necessary course/content adjustments?
User Experience – Are there opportunities for learners to self-direct aspects of their training, control the pace and flow of information so they can truly master the content and/or test out of content they’ve already mastered? What techniques have been implemented to keep learners engaged and motivated? What cognitive principles are being applied to improve learner confidence, retention and knowledge application?
If you’re ready to modernize your training efforts, we’d love to connect. Watch our video to learn more about how our software combines the key factors of a “modernized” training approach enables companies to meet or exceed their learning and development KPIs.