The Rabbit Hole of Poor Time Management

  “I’m late! I’m late for a very important date! No time to say “hello” “goodbye!” I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”

- The White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland

  When people don’t have good time...

variety of employees behind the wheel

Put Learners In The Driver’s Seat…They Love It

  When are you more engaged – when you’re driving the car or when you’re a passenger? It turns out where you sit in the metaphorical car is pretty significant. When people feel that they’re in...

fingers pointing at each other in integration blame game

Integration: Avoiding The Blame Game

You: The integration between my new learning technology and my LMS is broken. Can you help me fix it? LMS: Everything looks fine on our end. Talk to your learning technology provider – the problem is on...

The Magic of One-on-One Learning

When you’re not performing well or you don’t understand a topic, do you:

A. Dig deeper into your individual study and hope the information “clicks”? 


B. Find someone who...


Personalization Comes to Video Content

Have you ever seen that chair you just looked at online pop up in your Instagram feed? Or been welcomed at your hotel with your favorite newspaper and preferred type of pillow? If so,...